Take control of your money and change your future
Does any of this sound familiar?
- You have no idea where your money is going
- You have a good income, but it never seems to be enough
- You don’t know how to get out of debt
- You have collectors calling, and you don’t know what to do
- You would love to be a stay at home parent
- You recently divorced and need help getting re-established
- You feel like you’re in a deep hole and can’t get out
- You received an inheritance, and you don’t know what to do with it
- You are newly married, and you don’t know what to do with finances
- You just graduated, and you have student debt coming due.
- You lost a loved one, and you feel lost with money
- You have a new baby, and you want to provide for the future.
- You want to retire at a certain age but don’t know if you have enough saved
Simple Budget
Free Printable Form to start a simple budget and learn where your money is going
Debt List
Free Printable Form for Listing Debts to help you see what you owe and when each payment is due.
Free Printable sheet to track your progress towards $1,000 Emergency Fund
What if you could…
- Work with someone on creating a budget or create a spending plan based on your income and needs
- Establish an emergency fund to take care of your needs while paying off debt
- Create a plan to eliminate debt with a goal date
- Dream of “life after debt” and turn those dreams into goals
- Have peaceful conversations about money with your spouse and work together
- Learn about your relationship with money and what matters to you
- Examine your entire financial life to determine what aspects are a blessing and what elements are a burden
- Commit to working with a coach who will not shame you or be judgemental about your financial decisions
- Work with someone who realizes- we have all made mistakes, it’s our job to learn and grow from them!
Personalized Financial Coaching
Choosing a life of diligence with money involves a long-term strategy of determination, patience, investment in your future, discipline, and faith with the goal of financial peace.

Here is what you get:
Coaching is for you if:
Coaching is NOT for you if:
Meet your coach
Hi! I’m Melinda, and I am thrilled that you are considering coaching!
As a financial coach, it is my job to help you get a clear perspective on what issues are important in your life. I will help you prepare a plan starting where you are now and create goals to reach where you want to be financially within the next six months, one year, five years, and on.
I had a lady say to me, “I need a Financial Coach as much as I need a Personal Trainer in a gym” That statement resonated with me! I will be your accountability partner just as a personal trainer coaches clients in the gym.
Working with a coach helps you determine how much income you have, how much you are spending, and how to allocate your money to match income and your financial goals.
“I discovered that I always had a choice, and sometimes it was only a choice in attitude.” J.M Knowlton
Schedule Discovery Conversation Now
You can click the link Schedule Time With Me to schedule a one-hour complimentary consultation. We will discuss your current finances, what you would like to accomplish and decide how coaching will best benefit you.